Wednesday 18 January 2012


So, a couple of months ago, I'm rooting around the magazine shelves in my local Sainsbury's (grabbing my monthly fix of Vogue) when tucked away at the back, something catches my eye! It's Big, really big, glossy and perfect!!! ( you would be right in thinking that I'm a little obsessed with fresh, crisp magazines/paper/books etc)

It's the launch issue of a New magazine called 'Hunger'. The front cover has a caption...'for the culturally and visually Hungry' wow! I'm thinking, that's me! so flicking through, I see pages and pages of some of the most amazing, interesting photography, styling and most important to me, makeup that I've ever seen.

Photographer/Creator and Editor-in-chief Rankin explains in his Editors letter that he 'launched the magazine now, because I want to give a voice to the creative people who drive forward out of pure love of the process'
Rankin goes on to say 'My aim has been to create a magazine that feels personal and collaborative. It's not about being cool, knowledgeable or elitist. It's simply about what excites and fascinates me and the people I know'

As well as all the fantastic photography, there's some brilliant interviews with the likes of Rhys Ifans, Ray Winstone, James Purefoy and many more. The magazine also features Lucy Liu, Cheryl Cole and again, many many more. There are also separate fashion and beauty sections!! Yay! And at only £4! Bargain!!

The only down side is that the magazine is bi-annual. Oh well, I suppose creativity takes time.

My overall thoughts on this magazine is that it's thought provoking and contains totally inspiring pictures. Ive read it all but constantly find myself picking it up for a flick through, after which I'm reaching for my makeup brushes full of fresh ideas to get creative with. Can't wait for the next issue!!

Take a look at their web site


  1. wow this looks really cool!, I will try to find it next moth while i'm in london for the imats (can't wait). Thanks for sharing hun!

  2. Hi,

    I just discovered your blog and am now following! Please check mine out and follow if you like it:-)

  3. Ohhh thepoor girl in the last picture. That couldn't be comfortable! :(

  4. This looks fun Sian. I started getting Coast Magazine but wanted to live in every house featured ! Glad your Blog is taking off xx

  5. Oooh I have not seen this, it looks quite interesting! x
